Saturday, May 01, 2010

David Cain

Sinister and odd.  These are the two words that spring to mind upon first hearing "Seasons" by David Cain.  The record was conceived in 1969, as part of the BBC schools programming for radio and later issued on lp with the intention  of providing teachers with a valuable resource for drama workshops.  Every time I listen to this record, the strange combination of poetry and disjointed folktronics sends a shiver down my spine.  In parts, the music is intensely melancholic, bleak, darkly disjointed and very much at odds with the twisted surreal poetry of Ronald Duncan and Derek Bowskill.  What the early stage, school children thought of it, is anyone's guess.  Personally, I love this record and listen to it on a regular basis, which must make me, erm, an oddball of sorts.  You decide.

For a more indepth discussion on this obscure and elusive recording, please head over to our comrades at 'Unmann-Wittering'.


  1. Have been chasing this over a year now - thank you so much.


  2. i've been chasing it for several years, ever since seeing it advertised on the sleeve of Fourth Dimension. Never seen it anywhere, ever.

    Its brilliant, even better than i'd expected (and my expectations were very high). perhaps this will raise Caine's status in the league of radiophonic pioneers and deservedly so...

    many thanks for the upload and looking forward to whatever else you guys have planned..

  3. Hello! I just found your blog (via Unmann-Wittering, via Toys & Techniques) and I'm very excited to see the BBC/Radiophonic Workshop related posts.

    I found that the link for this one results in a page that says "The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable."

  4. The giltch is probably too many people trying to access the file at the same time.

  5. Soon to be available through Trunk Records....
