This is a short animation by Eino Ruutsalo, a pioneer in Finnish visual and kinetic arts. He was a film-maker, painter and sculptor. I confess, I don't know much about him but a quick google came up with a plethora of links.
Er, I just saw it in the title sequence, no detective work involved. I do love Mika Taanila's portrait of Kurenniemi (I guess that's the DVD you're refering to). Also check out Taanila's film about the Futuro House!
This is great! Thanks for posting.
ReplyDeletethe music is by the great finnish electronic music pioneer and inventor (etc.) erkki kurenniemi.
ReplyDeleteI thought it'd might be, I've a great DVD about him kicking about somewhere.
ReplyDeleteEr, I just saw it in the title sequence, no detective work involved. I do love Mika Taanila's portrait of Kurenniemi (I guess that's the DVD you're refering to). Also check out Taanila's film about the Futuro House!