Thursday, November 04, 2010

Justin Lowe and Jonah Freeman


  1. Nice. Were these used as covers for RD Laing's books by Penguin?

  2. *checks book shelf*

    The 2nd one is definitely ;ppls rotated and used on Laing's The Divided Self. Good eye.
    But on the back it says "Cover design by Martin Bassett". So I wonder if he just ripped off this painting...

  3. Oh wait, I have the first one too. "Sanity, Madness and the Family". Again, same painting rotated 90 degrees.
    But cover credited to "Enzo Ragazzini"

  4. I think these paintings were directly transcribed from the book covers. They were part of a much larger installation. I think the images were used as a reference to Laing's thoughts and ideas and not meant to be viewed in isolation, I'm not sure. I've always like the book covers and thought they made great abstract paintings (albeit with a history).

  5. More info here,

  6. Holy Fk, that's the best installation I've seen since Mike Nelson. Too many people use Penguin designs as lazy cultural reference points (eg.Harland Miller). The Black Acid guys are clearly integrating them into a much larger framework.
    Cheers Martin :)
