Saturday, June 18, 2011

Radioolio Mix

A Sound Awareness is delighted to present an exclusive mix of avant oddness expertly curated by Radioolio. Tracklist in comments.


  1. 1. Matthew Shipp - Spinal Syntax 1 & 2
    2. Disinformation - R&D Track One
    3. Hapunkt Fix - Michael & Ulrich
    4. People Like Us - Ne Me
    5. Patrice Sciortino - Danger Sous Roche
    6. Kalaparusha Maurice McIntyre - Hexagon
    7. Susan Rawcliffe - Aquaknots
    8. Pietro Grossi - Unicum
    9. Bruits et Ambiances d'Afrique Nr. 1 - Marché de village--conversations animées
    10. Bruits et Ambiances d'Afrique Nr. 1 - Marché de village--bruits de foule
    11. Francois Bayle - Danse des Chiffres
    12. G.Park - Hohle
    13. Roger Waters - Hand Dance-Full Evening Dress
    14. Ilhan Mimaroglu - Prelude For Magnetic Tape XI
    15. Jacques Lejeune - Danse Des Nains Devant Blanche Neige Endormie
    16. Bruits et Ambiances d'Afrique Nr. 1 - Chants d'oiseaux annonciateurs de l'orage, pluie, tonnerre
    17. Toru Takemitsu - Vocalism AI
    18. Joe Smolders - Parts of the Novel. T of a Man as Photograph
    19. Velimir Khlebnikov - The Radio Of The Future (radio project, 1921)
    20. Vladimir Ussachevsky - Four Miniatures With Origins
    21. Jacques Lejeune - Petite Suite (Danse)
    22. Fairouz - Ana El-Om El Hazina
    23. Jim Nollman - Cello and Wolf Pack Two
    24. Bernard Parmegiani - Les Monstres III (Metamorphoses)
    25. Bernard Bonnier - La Demoiselle Au Corsage Vert
    26. Dick Raajimakers - Piano-Forte
    27. John Weise - Sad Physics
    28. Ahleuchatistas - Making The Most of the Apocalypse
    29. Alain Goraguer - Deshominisation (ii)
    30. The Lonesome Organist - King of the Rail Model 1895 Trainset
    31. Chris Corsano - The Quick Collapse of Ice
    32. Occasional Detroit - Occasional Bomb
    33. Tasaday - Dopo Heidegger
    34. The Magits - Detached

  2. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Very nice mix full of surprises, twists and turns. You should check your Jacques Brel record, though: I think there is a problem ;D
